If for some reason, though, your motherboard doesn't support hardware virtualization then yes, dedicating a separate partition would be the better option.

Lastly, it's just not as convenient as a Virtual Machine There's also a risk of losing your Windows partition if you resize it to create a new partition.
There are also some inherent risks of destroying the MBR or accidentally formatting the wrong partition if you install on the same disk, though they aren't common if you pay attention to what you are doing. The drawbacks would be the inability to use your current version of Windows at the same time. Third, you'll be able to confirm that all of your hardware works in Windows 7 圆4. Second, you'll have no overhead from virtual or emulated hardware. First you'll be able to take advantage of 3D acceleration and Aero (given you have the proper DirectX 9 capable graphics card, with exception to the Intel 910 and 915 series). There are some positive sides to installing on a separate partition over virtualization. Hopefully you don't have a motherboard that wouldn't allow you to enable this feature. berikut adalah daftar download virtualbox 64 bit dan 32 bit terbaru. Usually it's called "Hardware Virtualization", "Virtualization", or something synonymous to virtualization. Baca Selengkapnya : Pengertian Virtualbox Fungsi dan Cara Kerja Postingan ini berisi link download asli dari website oracle dan virtualbox, jadi saya menjamin penuh keaslihan file yang kalian download pada posting ini. Forgive me if I didn't make myself clear initially. You should be able to enable it in the BIOS setup.